Robert Kiyosaki Donald Trump Team

Robert Kiyosaki Donald Trump Team has authored a book -- ‘Why we want you to be rich?”. These two successful men have many things in similarities and differences.

Trump, even though he had financial crisis many times, is successful now. His failures and successes – everything is under public eye. His real estate developments are all around the US.

Kiyosaki claims he made millions in businesses and real estate investments before he wrote Rich Dad Poor Dad. His net worth is still a mystery. He agrees he is yet to make his first billion. This gives the wrong impression that he is very close to that.

Of course his company Cashflow Technologies is successful. His book Rich Dad Poor Dad is something I strongly recommend.

Kiyosaki is known to be a great motivator. Well, I agree. Millions of Kiyosaki fans around the world would too. He himself agrees that his books are not how to books. They give you Motivation and Direction.

Motivation? Yes, I agree.

Direction? Well yes, but very broad directions indeed. ‘ Build businesses, invest in real estate’. But you will have a big question unanswered -- 'How?'

I haven’t read the book ‘Why we want you to be rich?’ I don’t plan to read it soon, either.

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